The important role of CFRP epoxy in CFRP strengthening

CFRP epoxy

CFRP strengthening system

CFRP strengthening system

CFRP material has a very high tensile strength. The CFRP strengthening system uses matching CFRP epoxy to bond the carbon fiber  to the structure, so that the two form a unified whole and work together to achieve the purpose of reinforcement. However, although the CFRP materials has high strength, if there is no matching epoxy, its high-strength performance will not be exerted. The carbon fiber cloth is just a "cloth". Therefore, in the CFRP strengthening system, CFRP epoxy is a very important material.

CFRP epoxy

So, what details should be paid attention to when purchasing CFRP epoxy for CFRP strengthening system?

1. The main function of CFRP epoxy is to stick carbon fibers together to fill the gaps between the carbon fibers, transfer the force between the fibers, prevent the fibers from buckling under pressure, and protect the fibers. An important mechanical property index of CFRP epoxy is the elongation of the resin. When selecting CFRP epoxy, the elongation of the resin is greater than that of the carbon fiber, so as to ensure that the resin will not be destroyed before the carbon fiber breaks.

2. Choose the CFRP epoxy matched with the carbon fiber cloth. This is because the process performance of structural adhesive is directly related to the reliability of its bonding performance. Different manufacturers have different raw materials and processes. Any change in adhesives, curing agents, modifiers, additives, pigments, fillers, blending ratios, manufacturing processes, curing conditions may change the performance and quality of the adhesive. Therefore, the choice of supporting CFRP epoxy is more assured.

3.  The use of the following CFRP epoxy products is strictly prohibited:

1) The expiration or ex-factory date is unknown;

2) The packaging is damaged, the batch number is smeared, or the Chinese sign and the product instruction manual are copies;

3) Mixed with volatile solvents or non-reactive diluents;

4) The main component of the curing agent is unknown or the main component of the curing agent is ethylenediamine;

5) Free formaldehyde exceeds the standard.

The CFRP strengthening system can greatly increase the service life of the building and reduce the cost of reinforcement without increasing the structural weight. Only when the good "cloth" is matched with the good "epoxy" can a good "reinforcement effect" be achieved.

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