Application of carbon fiber cloth in reservoir reinforcement

carbon fiber fabric in reservoir reinforcement engineering

carbon fiber fabric in reservoir reinforcement engineering

There are many reservoir projects in our country. Many reservoirs were constructed earlier and were completed in the 1950s and 1960s. At that time, the level of construction in China was not very high, so the quality of construction was not very good. After years of continuous operation, some reservoirs will have various problems, such as insufficient concrete strength, cracks, corrosion and leakage. If reasonable and effective measures are not taken, serious safety accidents will result.

With the more frequent use of carbon fiber fabric in my country, its advantages are constantly emerging, which can play a role in reinforcement and repair of engineering. It also has good performance for him, so it can be used in reinforcement projects to achieve good results.

Precautions for construction of carbon fiber fabric in reservoir reinforcement project

In order to ensure a better reinforcement effect of carbon fiber fabric and the smooth implementation of the reservoir reinforcement project, the following matters need to be paid attention to during the reservoir reinforcement construction process.

1) Before construction, most of the loads on the construction of the reservoir for reinforcement need to be removed. The construction environment is required to be greater than 5°C, and the air humidity should be less than 85%. Construction in such a construction environment can improve the effect of reinforcement.

2) Carbon fiber fabric also has its construction process. The construction should be carried out in accordance with the construction process. The construction process includes: processing the reinforced area, applying primer on the pasted position, repairing the pasting position, pasting the carbon fiber fabric, curing and curing, quality inspection, protective treatment. In order to ensure the quality of construction, every construction step must be indispensable.

3) Carbon fiber should not be pasted in the direction of the force. It must be pasted flat, without bending or bubbles. The adhesive must be able to penetrate sufficiently without air. The effective bonding area of carbon fiber fabric reaches more than 95%.

4) When the carbon fiber fabric is being constructed, the construction must be continuously carried out within the specified time and the construction is completed to ensure the overall construction effect. If the construction has to be stopped due to bad weather or other factors, the continuity of the construction cannot be guaranteed. At this time, it is necessary to take certain treatment measures for the completed work surface for subsequent work. Do not cause damage to the fiber fabric and bonding layer when it is processed.

5) After reinforcing the reservoir with carbon fiber fabric, the last step is to apply mortar to protect the carbon fiber fabric. It needs to be noted that the mortar used is not harmful to the adhesive and carbon fiber fabric, and the mortar must have a certain bonding strength and deformability.

6) After applying carbon fiber fabric to reinforce the reservoir structure, it is also necessary to conduct on-site bonding performance testing of the co-layer. This testing step must be completed. During the inspection process, the carbon fiber fabric or the bonding layer must not be damaged. If it is damaged, it is necessary to consider whether to rebuild.

Application advantages of carbon fiber fabric in reservoir reinforcement project

The application of carbon fiber fabric in the reservoir is by using an adhesive to bond the carbon fiber fabric to the surface of the structure. The carbon fiber fabric is integrated with the structure to enhance the strength of the structure. Therefore, it can achieve the function of strengthening the structure and improve the original force performance of the structure. It can be seen from the above that the materials used to strengthen the structure of the reservoir are adhesive and carbon fiber fabric.

Among them, carbon fiber fabric is a very high-quality reinforcement material, which has very good tensile strength. Compared with traditional steel bars, the tensile strength of carbon fiber fabric is about ten times stronger than it. Moreover, its light weight will not lead to a heavier structure, and its high elastic modulus has low elongation, which can have a good effect as a reservoir reinforcement material.

As an auxiliary material, the adhesive is also an indispensable material, which can ensure that the carbon fiber fabric can better function in the reservoir structure. Therefore, the adhesive used also needs to meet certain mechanical properties, so as to promote the development of carbon fiber fabric in reservoir reinforcement projects. The advantages of carbon fiber reinforcement are embodied in the following aspects.

Good reinforcement effect

Carbon fiber fabric has good mechanical properties. It has high strength, high elastic modulus, light weight, and low elongation. It is better than the mechanical properties of steel bars. In the reservoir reinforcement project, the advantages of carbon fiber fabric can be fully utilized to improve the reservoir. The bearing capacity, crack resistance and ductility of the structure can play a very good role in the reinforcement and maintenance of the reservoir.

Carbon fiber fabric construction is simple

The construction method using carbon fiber fabric in the reservoir reinforcement project is to stick the carbon fiber fabric to the structure that needs to be reinforced by artificially using an adhesive, without involving large-scale construction equipment, the construction process is relatively simple, and will not be affected by other factors. In some special cases, the structure that needs to be reinforced can be constructed while the reservoir continues to work. It can be seen from the construction procedure of carbon fiber fabric that its operation is simple, just stick the carbon fiber fabric to the structure, wait for it to solidify, and detect that the strength meets the requirements. Generally, the construction only takes 2-3 days.

Can guarantee the quality of construction

When the carbon fiber fabric is constructed, the main aspect of its quality is in the process of pasting. However, carbon fiber fabric is a flexible material. It is easy to stick to the structure, and it can guarantee the density of sticking. During construction, ordinary workers can ensure that the adhesion density of carbon fiber fabric reaches more than 95%, that is, its effective adhesion area is greater than 95%, which can meet the quality requirements of carbon fiber fabric reinforced reservoir projects

Carbon fiber fabric has super waterproof and anti-corrosion effect

Carbon fiber fabric has a good anti-corrosion effect, and the epoxy resin component has a super waterproof effect. The construction of the reservoir is often in contact with water, and it is more susceptible to corrosion, and various problems will arise in the construction of the reservoir. Therefore, sticking the carbon fiber fabric to the reinforced construction surface of the reservoir can prevent water or other corrosive substances from directly contacting the construction surface, thereby playing a role of anti-corrosion. Therefore, carbon fiber is not used in reservoir reinforcement projects to have waterproof and anti-corrosion effects.

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