Benefits & Advantage of Using Unidirectional Carbon Fiber

Benefits & advantage of using unidirectional carbon fiber for structural strengthening reinforcement

Unidirectional carbon fiber fabric for concrete repair

Benefits & advantage of using unidirectional carbon fiber fabric for structural strengthening reinforcement

Carbon fiber not only has high strength and high elastic modulus, but also possesses the characteristics of light self-weight and high durability. First, it was adopted for the aerospace and auto industry applications, followed by the sporting goods and machinery industries.

In recent years, as the substitute of reinforcing materials in concrete structures, it has been widely used for seismic strengthening of highway structures, railway and bridge piers, tunnels, and buildings.

Currently, it is being explored for structural modifications of highway bridges for increase in traffic volume . 

  • 70% lighter than steel, 40% lighter than aluminum

  • High strength to weight ratio

  • High corrosion resistance

  • Application flexibility

  • Increased the bending resistance of columns, beams and plates in almost any direction

  • Ability to maintain column integrity through improved closure

  • Spall protection in explosion-proof applications

  • Ability to harden structural members without significantly increasing their size

  • Installation speed

  • Easy to integrate with other systems

  • Economically increase capacity without weight or mass

  • Very high tensile strength

  • Lightweight and user-friendly installation

  • Non-corrosive

  • Low aesthetic impact

  • Suitable for a variety of topcoats and protective coatings

Benefits & advantage of Horse unidirectional carbon fiber fabric

Horse's structural reinforcement materials have been successfully used for 20 years and have been successfully used in more than 70,000 projects to strengthen concrete, masonry, steel and wood supporting structures on a large scale.

  • Produced from high-quality international aviation grade yarn, every carbon fiber yarn length kept over 5000 meters to ensure the continuity of the carbon fiber fabrics without damage raw fiber.

  • Five world leading Germany imported intelligent production line. Point to point active wafting insertion, no damage or break of filament during the whole production process.

  • Independently developed constant tension system, ensures every bunch of raw fiber is kept under constant tension. With low dispersion, high strength, stable properties, the qualification rate by national authority testing organization is l 00%.

  • The carbon fiber fabric is woven evenly and smooth, moderate soft, good suitability with the impregnated adhesive, which are easy to impregnate. The total adhesive usage is just l 5%, less than products by other manufacturers, and the void issues maintained at 80% less than other products. 

  • Annual production capacity of quality carbon fiber fabric is 5 million square meters, while maintaining a daily stock of over l 00,000 square meter to meet any project's demands, around the world .

unidirectional carbon fiber for structural reinforcement

Make full use of the many advantages of unidirectional carbon fiber fabric

A big advantage of carbon fiber is that it can be used as a reinforcing material and corrosion-resistant material in existing composite materials. In addition, since it adds very little mass, it can be used to strengthen existing structures without protruding like large supporting beams and pillars. In the industrial field, carbon fiber has many uses and is becoming more and more valuable, because the cost of industrial maintenance using carbon fiber is only a small part of the cost compared with structural replacement.

If you are interested in using unidirectional carbon fiber for structural reinforcement, please feel free to contact us!

Horse Construction Recommended Products

You can find anything here you are in need of, have a trust trying on these products, you will find the big difference after that.

HM-20 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Wrap

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber wrap pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) wrap used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

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HM-30 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber fabric pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) fabric used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

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HM-60 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Sheet

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber sheet pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheet used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

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