How Many Layers Of Carbon Fiber Do I Need For Strength?

How Many Layers Of Carbon Fiber Do I Need For Strength?

multi-layer carbon fiber

The number of layers of carbon fiber reinforcement, of course, depends on the strength we need to improve. We can use software to calculate the intensity that we need to improve. Then calculate how many layers can be pasted to achieve the required strength. The calculation of carbon fiber cloth amount is similar to the calculation of reinforcement. The section area of carbon fiber cloth is derived through the calculation formula of normal section, and then determine whether multi-layer layout is required according to the area of single-layer carbon fiber cloth.

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After calculate one project, based on the design software, need 9 layers.


It can be seen from the national standards and specifications that the current requirements for multi-layer pasting of carbon cloth are that it should not exceed 4 layers, otherwise it is better to use preformed plates for reinforcement.

The bottom line is the thickness reduction coefficient.

Precautions for multi-layer pasting:

The operation of multi-layer pasting focuses on the time interval of continuing to paste the second layer after pasting the first layer. The next layer of pasting can only be carried out after the dip glue finger is dry. However, this time should not be too long. If the delay exceeds 1 hour, wait for 12 hours before rolling the impregnating glue and continuing to paste. Then reapply glue on the first layer of carbon fiber cloth, and then paste the second layer of carbon fiber cloth. At the same time, pay attention to the removal of dust and other impurities that affect the pasting effect before pasting.

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