Application Of CFRP In Modern Engineering Technology

Application Of CFRP In Modern Engineering Technology

CFRP in the reinforcement of concrete members

Carbon fiber(CFRP) is used in construction projects, initially made into rods or profiles, and used as steel bars and profiles. Carbon fiber filaments can also be cut into short sections and mixed with concrete to make fiber concrete to improve the tensile strength of concrete. Not only that, it is also an extremely suitable material in the reinforcement of concrete components, bridges, tunnels, and concrete structures for earthquake resistance.

Application of CFRP in tunnel engineering

Due to the special geographical environment of the tunnel project and the special construction work environment, CFRP materials can just overcome these shortcomings and achieve good results. CFRP has good plasticity and can be used in curved and irregular-shaped components. The material quality is improved, which is light and thin without increasing the weight of the original structure. Carbon fiber cloth has strong waterproof performance, and the tunnel structure is sealed by pasting carbon fiber cloth, which can achieve good waterproof effect. Therefore, in the treatment of water seepage tunnels, it is ideal to adopt carbon fiber technology.

Application of CFRP in Road and Bridge Engineering

Carbon fiber can be used for the treatment and reinforcement of lining cracks at the intersection of wells and roadways. In planar engineering, the intersection is the throat of production and transportation. The use of carbon fiber for repair is convenient and short, with minimal impact on production and good results after repair. In the reinforcement section, the flow coefficient can be increased, the flow capacity can be improved, and the concrete cracks can be effectively closed, so as to alleviate the appearance and expansion of the cracks.

Application of CFRP in the reinforcement of concrete members

CFRP is used in the reinforcement and repair of concrete structures to use building structural glue, usually epoxy resin glue to stick carbon fiber cloth along the ring or longitudinal force on the damaged concrete member. In this way, it can work together with the component to improve the performance of strengthening the concrete component. Strength, stiffness, ductility, toughness, durability, etc. have been improved to varying degrees.

Points for Attention in the Application of CFRP in Building Reinforcement

Due to the high tensile strength of carbon fiber composite materials, in the design of the reinforcement scheme, full consideration should be given to sticking the material on the surface of the tensile structure constructed by the building. The bonding fastness should be sufficient to make it form an integral body with the building concrete members to bear the tensile stress together. In order to improve the bearing capacity of the building construction, to achieve the purpose of reinforcement. Before the reinforcement construction, check the construction of the building to be reinforced to understand the load, the reinforcement of the original components and the size of the construction section, check its strength, and select the carbon fiber cloth with appropriate performance, width and number of layers according to the requirements of the design strength. During on-site construction, the site temperature should be controlled within the range of 5℃~35℃, and the relative humidity should be around 70%. The construction environment should be clean and dust-free to ensure the quality of construction. In the construction of culverts and narrow spaces, attention should also be paid to ventilation and the safety of construction personnel to prevent personnel from being poisoned.

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