Carbon Fiber For Concrete Restoration Of Salt Mining Facilities

Carbon Fiber For Concrete Restoration Of Salt Mining Facilities

Carbon Fiber For Concrete Restoration

Over 30 years of salt mining has deteriorated the facility and required concrete repairs. The walls, columns, beams and secondary components have obvious weathering, peeling and structural degradation.

Because the facility is located near the lake, it is easily affected by severe lake water, resulting in excessive moisture and extremely cold weather. The salt-making environment can cause a large amount of chloride ion migration, steel swelling/burst, and subsequent concrete spalling.

After the design and general contracting decision, a composite fiber system-carbon fiber was used to replace the lost tensile strength and shear strength in the outer wall, the target column and the inner support.

Carbon fiber repaired and reinforced the entire area, extending its service life by 30 years.

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HM-20 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Wrap

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber wrap pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) wrap used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

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HM-30 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber fabric pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) fabric used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

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HM-60 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Sheet

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber sheet pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheet used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

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