Carbon Fiber: Reinforcement Of Load-bearing Structures

The Use Of Carbon Fiber In Construction: Reinforcement Of Load-bearing Structures

Carbon Fiber In Construction

The main advantages of carbon fiber

The carbon fiber is composed of polyacrylonitrile, which has been pretreated at high temperatures (up to 3-5 thousand degrees). Due to its technical characteristics, carbon fiber is used for external reinforcement. In this process, the carbon fiber is impregnated with an adhesive (two-component epoxy resin) and, similar to wallpaper, is glued to the surface of the structure that needs to be reinforced. The convenience of using this specific adhesive has been proven in many directions:

First of all, epoxy resin has high adhesion to reinforced concrete;

Secondly, after a chemical reaction with the resin, the carbon fiber becomes a hard plastic, which is 6-7 times stronger than steel.

Today, carbon fiber is the most popular material among other composite materials. Although 30% lighter than aluminum and 75% lighter than iron, its tensile strength is four times that of the best steel. Carbon fiber is made on the basis of carbon, has a low specific gravity, and expands slightly when heated without being exposed to harsh chemicals. In view of the above characteristics, carbon fiber can be considered as a general-purpose material suitable for use in various climatic zones.

The following advantages of carbon fiber materials comprehensively illustrate its long service life:

  • The smooth surface of carbon fiber prevents the material from reacting with water, thus having high waterproof performance;

  • High adhesion to various surfaces;

  • Excellent corrosion resistance;

  • Lightness is a property, because of this property, the reinforcement system does not generate additional load on the building. Although carbon fiber is much lighter than steel, it has high strength characteristics.

  • Using carbon fiber, you will have the opportunity to apply the reinforcement material in several layers;

  • In the process of performing maintenance work, you cannot stop the operation of the reinforced building;、

  • Using carbon fiber to reinforce the foundation by hand helps to reduce working time and labor costs;

  • Carbon fiber is of course considered a universal material that can be used to reinforce structures of any complexity and structure, including on round and angular surfaces, on ribbed floors, beam elements for frame structures, and T-beams for bridge spans. . Rib width is small

  • Carbon fiber is an environmentally friendly and toxic safety reinforcement material.

  • In addition, the material is characterized by fire resistance and impact resistance.

Carbon Fiber In Construction

What are the requirements for effective reinforcement technology?

In order to ensure the effective reinforcement of the structure, the reinforcement technology must ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • The natural moisture content of the structure should not be an obstacle to the installation of reinforcement elements;

  • The reinforcement element must be reliably bonded to any building material, so that the force can be effectively transferred from the reinforcement structure to the reinforcement element;

  • All materials used in the reinforcement process (including assembly glue) must have the characteristics of stability over time, which will improve the efficiency of reinforcement;

  • Due to the fact that structures made of various materials are reinforced, the elastic modulus and strength of the reinforcing element should be expressed in a fairly wide range.

Under what circumstances need external reinforcement?

Today, carbon fiber is used to reinforce structures made of various materials:

  • Reinforced concrete structures-including bridges, hydraulic structures and architectural monuments, need to be protected from corrosion, strengthen compression elements and prevent overload. This function is completely processed by carbon fiber;

  • Metal structure with elastic modulus and strength similar to carbon fiber;

  • Stone structures, especially stone pillars, brick houses and iron tower walls.

Carbon Fiber In Construction

In the following cases, the building needs to be reinforced by external reinforcement:

  • If the structure is damaged, its bearing capacity, rigidity and crack resistance will decrease;

  • Whether the operating status of the building has changed, expressed in terms of the size and nature of the load;

  • In the process of structural design and construction, to increase its seismic capacity and increase the interval between major repairs;

  • In a structure exposed to mechanical factors or corrosive natural environment for a long time, causing concrete damage or steel corrosion, it is necessary to eliminate the disappointing consequences and strengthen the structure.

By analyzing a specific set of technical and economic indicators, it can be concluded that carbon fiber reinforcement is most suitable for reinforced concrete structures, but it is suitable for metal, concrete, and even wooden buildings and structures.

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