Seven Common Mistakes of Anchoring Epoxy Resins

Seven Common Mistakes of Anchoring Epoxy Resins

Anchoring Epoxy Resins

Outside temperature

Air and product temperature may negatively affect the correct mixing and curing of epoxy resin. The ideal working temperature is minus 5-30 degrees Celsius, but if used at temperatures as low as minus 5 degrees Celsius, it will still cure, but it may take several hours. If exposed to low temperatures, the epoxy will become more viscous and cannot be installed properly. It is important to keep the epoxy resin in the on-site trailer or control it at a certain temperature to maintain the desired temperature range.

Drilling depth and size

Each anchor and borehole has a specific depth and size to provide the required pullout strength. Load can also be a factor. Generally, the size of the hole should be 4-8mm larger than the diameter of the anchor. Increasing the depth of the hole will significantly increase the tensile load and pull-out strength that the anchor point can withstand. Taking the time to measure and accurately drill the hole is the first step in ensuring that the anchor will maintain its desired value.

Improper cleaning

Concrete dust and small debris can block the entire depth of the anchor. These debris and dust will mix with the epoxy resin, thereby reducing the composition and pulling out the strength. It is important to ensure that each hole is cleaned with a compressed air tank and nylon brush.

Still water

It is very common to see stagnant water on construction sites. Whether it is caused by natural rainfall or cleanup personnel, water can easily fill the borehole. Before installing the epoxy resin, the drilled hole should be kept dry and clean. First, use vacuum or compressed air to remove all water from the borehole. After the borehole is dry, clean the borehole to remove all remaining dust and debris.

Incorrect product

Choosing the right product is the key to a successful project. The non-sagging properties of fast anchor epoxy make it ideal for vertical and horizontal use. Its fast setting time allows the smallest jitter during use. The extended working time of the high-strength anchoring epoxy resin makes it more suitable for projects where multiple anchors must be installed, and it is exceptionally strong.

Device error

For the best results, make sure you use the right tools. Please use a caulking gun with a mechanical power of at least 12:1. Then, install the ink cartridge assembly into the caulking gun. Unscrew the cartridge cap, remove the nozzle plug and install the static mixer nozzle. Distribute the mixed epoxy paste onto a piece of scrap until a uniform color is obtained, and then squeeze the epoxy into a pre-cleaned drill hole. Within five minutes of applying epoxy resin, insert the anchor bolt into the bottom of the hole in a clockwise direction.

Curing time

The curing time of the adhesive can vary from 4 to 48 hours, so it is important not to disturb, twist or load the anchor before it is fully cured. The installer usually assumes the curing time of the epoxy. The curing time for the high-strength anchor epoxy resin to achieve the final strength is 24 hours. It is important to check the epoxy curing time recommended by the manufacturer to accurately plan and prepare the project schedule to accommodate the curing time.

Horse Construction Recommended Products

You can find anything here you are in need of, have a trust trying on these products, you will find the big difference after that.

HM-500 Epoxy Anchoring

two-components modified epoxy resin adhesive, with high quality plastic tube, double cartridge package

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Horse Electric Dispenser Gun

Electric dispenser gun for injectable anchoring adhesive

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HM-500 Injection Anchoring Adhesive

Two-components modified epoxy resin adhesive, with high quality plastic tube, double cartridge package for anchoring

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