A Table Can Understand The Causes Of Concrete Cracks

A Table Can Understand The Causes Of Concrete Cracks


Can you analyze the cause of the crack formation from this picture? If not, you can take a look at the following table, and HORSE Construction will summarize it for you. How to analyze the cause of crack formation through the appearance characteristics of concrete cracks.

Causes of cracksCharacteristics of cracks
1. Concrete materials

1. Cement setting (time) is abnormal

Irregular cracks appear in the initial stage of concrete setting of larger area

2. Abnormal expansion of cementRadial network crack
3. Floating slurry and sinking when concrete is set

One or two hours after the concrete is poured, it occurs intermittently on the steel bar and at the junction of the wall and the floor.

4. Mud in aggregateIrregular net-like dry cracks appear on the surface of the concrete
5. Heat of hydration of cement

1 to 2 weeks after the mass concrete is poured, straight cracks at regular intervals appear at regular intervals, some on the surface and some through

6. Hardening and drying shrinkage of concreteTwo or three months after pouring, it gradually appeared and developed. Oblique cracks appeared in the windows and the end corners of beams and columns.
2. Construction

1. The mixing time is too long

Reticulated cracks and irregular long and short cracks appear across the board

2. Increase the amount of water and cement when pumping

Easy to appear net-like and irregular long and short cracks

3. Reinforcement stepped on chaotically, and the steel protective layer was thinned

Occurs around the concrete ribs and along the surface of the reinforcement and piping

4. Pouring speed is too fast

After pouring for 1 to 2 hours, cracks appeared on the steel bar, at the junction of the wall and the slab, and the beam and the column.

5. Pouring is uneven and not dense

Easy to become the starting point of various cracks

6. the template bulges

Parallel to the moving direction of the template, some cracks appear

7. Poor handling of stubble

Cold stubble cracks appear at the stubble

8. Vibrate or load before hardening

Cracks in the stressed state appear after hardening

9. Insufficient initial maintenance

Shortly after pouring the letter, irregular short cracks and fine cracks appeared on the surface. After demoulding, the concrete surface appears white, hollow, etc.

10. Formwork pillars sink

Cracks appear on the ends of beams and floor slabs and below the middle part

3. Influence of climate and environmental factors

1. Temperature, temperature change

Similar to shrinkage cracks, the existing cracks change with the environmental temperature and temperature changes
2. The temperature and humidity difference between the two sides of the concrete memberOn the side of low temperature or low humidity, it is easy to occur at the corners

3. Multiple freeze-thaw cycles

On the side of low temperature or low humidity, it is easy to occur at the corners

4. The fire surface is heated

Turtle head cracks appear on the entire surface

5. Corrosion and expansion of steel bars, large cracks, even spalling, and rusty water flow along the steel bars, etc.

Large cracks appear along the steel bars, even peeling off, rusty water, etc.
6. Corroded by acid and saltOr the surface of the concrete is corroded, or expansive substances are produced, and it collapses
4. Structure and external influence

1. Overload

Vertical cracks appear on the tension side of the beam and the floor

2. Earthquakes and accumulated loads45° oblique cracks occur in columns, beams, walls, etc.
3. Insufficient amount of steel bars in sectionVertical cracks appear on the component under tension
4. Uneven subsidence of the foundation of the structure45° big crack occurred

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