Unidirectional Carbon Fiber First Choice For Strengthening

Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric Is The First Choice For Structural Reinforcement

Unidirectional Carbon Fiber First Choice For Strengthening

Carbon fiber fabric is divided into one-way carbon fiber fabric and two-way carbon fiber fabric. However, one-way carbon fiber fabric is often used in building structural reinforcement projects, while two-way carbon fiber fabric is used in structural reinforcement in few cases. Why?

01, low cost

Unidirectional carbon fiber fabric is woven with carbon fiber filaments in one direction, which can maintain great strength and tensile performance in one direction. If the building has insufficient strength and tensile performance in a certain direction, then sticking carbon fiber fabric can solve this problem well. If the two directions of the building need to consider the issues of tensile and strength, only need to cross-bond the carbon fiber fabric. Compared with two-way carbon fiber fabric, the cost is much less.

02. The construction quality is easy to guarantee

Because the carbon fiber fabric is soft, it guarantees 100% effective adhesion even if it is reinforced on objects with uneven surfaces. As long as the air bubbles are cleaned up on the surface of the paste, the paste will be very firm. For example, if there is a crack on the surface of the steel plate, then this material can be used for paste repair. It can make the steel plate have a strong tensile capacity in a certain direction, and even the tensile capacity of this material is stronger than the tensile capacity of the original steel plate itself.

03. Convenient construction

The advantages of unidirectional carbon fiber fabric are that it is easy to cut, no wet work, no large construction equipment, no on-site fixed facilities. The construction is simple and the construction period is short. One worker or two workers can easily complete the entire operation. It can be pasted in multiple layers to meet the reinforcement needs of a variety of projects. The maintenance method is also very simple. It only needs to be reinforced once, and the reinforced building will basically not cause any problems in the later use.

Unidirectional Carbon Fiber First Choice For Strengthening

04, thin thickness, light weight

Unidirectional carbon fiber fabric has a lighter weight like fabric, and does not affect the internal structure of the reinforced building. After pasting, the weight per square meter is less than 1.0kg (including glue weight), and the thickness of a layer of carbon fiber fabric is only 0.111 mm/0.167mm/0.333mm. After repairing, there is basically no increase in weight and external dimensions. It is one of the ideal materials for repair and reinforcement in the construction industry.

05, stable performance

Unidirectional carbon fiber fabric has excellent physical and mechanical properties, and its tensile strength is 7-10 times higher than that of ordinary steel. Carbon fiber has corrosion resistance, moisture resistance, and its elastic modulus is close to that of steel. It is very suitable for reinforcement and repair of reinforced concrete and has a long service life, generally up to 50 years. It can also be suitable for a variety of construction environments.

Unidirectional Carbon Fiber First Choice For Strengthening

06. Wide application

Widely used in various types and shapes of concrete structures, and does not change the shape of the structure and does not affect the appearance of the structure. Even if the construction environment is harsh, the use of carbon fiber can smoothly carry out the building reinforcement work

Carbon fiber fabric can be used for reinforcement in the following situations: the tensile, shear and seismic reinforcement of structural members, the increase in building load, the change in engineering use, the aging of materials, the strength of concrete is lower than the design value, treatment of structural cracks, repair of service components in harsh environments, and reinforcement projects for protection.

The above are the advantages of unidirectional carbon fiber fabric reinforcement, so now more and more buildings choose carbon fiber fabric reinforcement. HORSE carbon fiber fabric is unidirectionally woven with 12K small bundles of filaments. It has light weight, small thickness, good durability, high strength, and high modulus. It has been used in many reinforcement projects and is a good helper for building structure reinforcement.

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