Carbon Fiber Strengthening Method is Preferred for Old Building

Carbon Fiber Strengthening Method is Preferred for Old Building Reinforcement

Old building that have been living for many years are often found to have certain quality problems after inspection, especially some building in rural areas. Many heads of buildingholds do not wait for their maintenance work until they find that the old building has serious problems. At this time, it will be more difficult to reinforce the old building. What should be done at this time when the old building has quality problems? When it is a quality problem, a variety of reinforcement methods can be used. For example, the common methods include concrete method, planting bar method, bonding steel method, outer steel method, grouting method, etc., and the use is different. Generally speaking, after undertaking the reinforcement project of the old building, they will conduct a series of surveys on the site of the old building, and know more about the inspection, and it is also convenient to adopt more appropriate methods to strengthen the old building in the later period.

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At present, many construction units will use carbon fiber strengthening method to reinforce old building. Why carbon fiber strengthening method will be the first company when dealing with problematic old building will introduce you one by one.

1. The construction of carbon fiber strengthening is convenient, and there is no construction difficulty in the construction process

The same is the reinforcement construction of the old building. You will find that the methods used during the construction are different, and the convenience of these reinforcement methods is also completely different. And the difficulty of construction at the construction site is also different. When using carbon fiber to reinforce old buildings, because the carbon fiber strengthening method is easy to control the key points of construction, and there are relatively few construction problems on site during on-site construction, many contractors now use carbon fiber for reinforcement.

2. The applicability of carbon fiber cloth is strong, and the use of carbon fiber cloth to reinforce the old building can achieve ideal construction results.

When purchasing reinforcement materials, everyone will also check whether the applicability of the reinforcement materials passes this indicator. Due to the strong applicability of carbon fiber cloth, no matter whether the current problems in the old building are serious or not, the use of carbon fiber can achieve a relatively ideal construction effect. Therefore, when dealing with the quality problems of old building, many construction units now use carbon fiber cloth as the preferred building reinforcement.

3. The material cost is low, which can reduce the overall expenditure of the carbon fiber strengthening reinforcement project of the old building 

The market sales prices of different reinforcement materials are also completely different. Comparing various types of reinforcement materials, you will find that the market sales price of carbon fiber cloth is relatively low, and the materials are relatively economical during construction. Cooperating with carbon fiber glue for joint construction, the glue produced during the construction period is also relatively saved and the cost is reduced. In addition, it can also be completed quickly and achieve superior construction results.

4. Rapid construction, which can significantly shorten the construction period

Because the carbon fiber cloth is easy to cut and the operation is simple, there are not many construction technical points to master during construction, so even novice construction can be completed quickly.

5. Carbon fiber cloth is suitable for a variety of construction environments, even in harsh environments, it can be constructed normally

Different types of reinforcement materials have different scopes of application. If you are dealing with the quality problems of old building in harsh environments, you will often choose to use carbon fiber cloth for the smooth progress of the reinforcement project.

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