Should Old Buildings Be Rebuilt? No, Strengthening with CFRP

Should Old Buildings Be Rebuilt? No, No, No, Repair and Strengthening with Carbon Fiber CFRP


Building reinforcement or rebuilding?

 How to choose? Regarding this issue, some owners think that if the old building is damaged and the service life reaches a certain period, it can be demolished directly. Why do buildings need to be reinforced?

Their reason is that the structural reinforcement of the building is expensive and the cost is high, and the extra funds can be used to directly build a new building. Housing reinforcement or reconstruction should be considered from multiple aspects, so that we can know whether to choose reinforcement or reconstruction.

On the surface, regardless of economic factors, building a new building is more worry-free than repairing and strengthening an old building. But in fact, in many cities and regions, new buildings are not built randomly. This is clearly stipulated. Once most of the old buildings are demolished, there is basically no chance of reconstruction. There are also some landmark buildings or historical and cultural relics, which cannot be demolished and can only be repaired and retained by various methods. Many cities are very strict in housing reconstruction. If the building is not up to the level of dilapidated housing, it cannot be reconstructed. This is the reason for choosing the policy of building structural reinforcement.

In terms of economic factors, will the cost of building reinforcement be higher than the cost of reconstruction? In fact, the cost of reinforcement may not be higher than the cost of rebuilding. In most cases, the reinforcement of the building is only partial, which is equivalent to "sewing and patching" the original structure, so the cost of reinforcement is much lower than the cost of reconstruction. Moreover, the construction period of the building structure reinforcement is short and can be completed quickly. The use function of the reinforced and reconstructed building is basically the same as that of the reconstructed building. Smaller economic costs and time costs are used to exchange more use functions. For the owner, from an economic point of view, structural reinforcement is also for the owner. A rational choice.

carbon fiber reinforcement technology in the structural transformation of old buildings

Talking about the application of carbon fiber reinforcement technology in the structural transformation of old buildings

Compared with the general reinforcement technology, the carbon fiber cloth reinforcement technology has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, shorter construction period, lower cost, convenient operation and good reinforcement effect, so it is widely used in structural reinforcement.

To discuss the carbon fiber reinforcement technology, it is necessary to compare the new structure after reinforcement with the structure before reinforcement. Then check the improvement of the force performance after reinforcement. Scientifically analyze and judge the reinforcement measures and methods, and finally draw a conclusion of reinforcement. In addition, multiple reinforcement schemes can be compared and selected, and the most reasonable, economical, and cost-effective reinforcement method can be selected.

The action mechanism of carbon fiber cloth is mainly to share the force of the steel bars and improve the bending and shear resistance of concrete members. The advantages of carbon fiber cloth are that the construction is relatively simple, the labor cost is lower, the construction period is shorter and more economical, and the reinforcement effect is very good. It has very good corrosion resistance and does not require additional maintenance.

As a new reinforcement technology, carbon fiber cloth reinforcement technology has been widely used in the reinforcement of concrete structures.

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