Special-shaped Columns Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Sheets

Axial Compression Ratio on Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Special-shaped Columns Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Sheets

Special-shaped Columns Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Sheets

Using ABAQUS finite element software, six L-shaped special-shaped columns were designed by simulation experiment. By controlling the number of carbon fiber sheet layers of the specimen, the ratio of limb length to limb thickness, the concrete strength grade and the reinforcement ratio, etc., the hysteresis curve, load-displacement skeleton curve, total hysteretic energy consumption and stiffness degradation of the specimen are analyzed.  Studying the influence of different axial compression ratios on the seismic performance of CFRP sheet-strengthened reinforced concrete special-shaped columns, the following main conclusions are drawn

1) By comparing the hysteresis curves of the specimens, it is found that when the axial compression is relatively small, the hysteresis curve of the special-shaped column is fuller, and the hysteresis curve of the special-shaped column reinforced by CFRP sheet is more full. When the displacement is small, the special-shaped column is in an elastic state, and its hysteresis curve is shuttle-shaped. With the increase of the number of cycles and the target displacement, when the test string reaches the peak load, the hysteresis curve gradually tends to be bowed. It shows that as the axial compression ratio increases, the energy consumption capacity of the test piece decreases, but the decrease rate becomes smaller.

2) Through the analysis of the load-displacement skeleton curve of the specimen, it is found that as the axial compression ratio increases, the negative ultimate bearing capacity increases significantly. But the positive ultimate bearing capacity decreases when the axial compression ratio reaches 0.6. This is because the L-shaped special-shaped column is asymmetrical in force and has different influence laws on the positive and negative bearing capacity. At the same time, as the axial compression ratio increases, the increase in ultimate bearing capacity decreases, and the axial compression ratio has a greater influence on the negative ultimate bearing capacity of special-shaped columns.

3) Through the analysis of the total hysteresis energy dissipation diagram of the test piece, it is found that as the axial compression ratio increases, the energy consumption capacity of the test piece decreases, but the reduction rate becomes smaller. And when the axial compression ratio increases, the carbon fiber sheet constraint has a certain limiting effect on the reduction of the energy consumption of the specimen.

4) Through the analysis of the stiffness degradation curve of the specimen, it is found that as the axial compression ratio increases, the stiffness degradation rate gradually decreases. Due to the asymmetric force of the L-shaped special-shaped column, the positive and negative stiffness are also different. Comparing the reinforced and unreinforced specimens, it is known that the rigidity of the CFRP sheet reinforced by the CFRP sheet has increased, and the rate of rigidity degradation has been slowed down.

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