CFRP Structural Strengthening Reinforcement - HORSE Construction

CFRP Structural Strengthening Reinforcement - HORSE Construction

CFRP Structural Strengthening Reinforcement

Unidirectional carbon fiber fabrics are applied to the surfaces of existing structural members in buildings, bridges and other structures. Therefore, the externally bonded FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) reinforcement system has been carefully designed to improve structural performance. Once installed, the system provides externally bonded steel bars with excellent long-term physical and mechanical properties.

Our building reinforcement applications have been implemented in hospitals, government structures, churches, schools, parking lots, office buildings, residential buildings and many other buildings. These buildings were both occupied and uninhabited during the renovation.

CFRP structural strengthening reinforcement feature

  • High strength to weight ratio

  • Excellent creep and fatigue resistance

  • Very durable

  • Low aesthetic impact

CFRP structural strengthening reinforcement benefit

  • Increase strength without adding dead load

  • Can withstand continuous and cyclic load conditions

  • Extremely resistant to various environmental conditions

  • Easy to hide

CFRP Structural Strengthening Reinforcement

Beams strengthening with CFRP

  • Shear strengthening

  • Positive movement enhancement

  • Negative movement enhancement

  • Torsion strengthening

  • Supplement cut steel / openings

  • Correction of an existing construction and/or design error

Columns strengthening with CFRP

  • Shear strengthening

  • Displacement-ductility enhancement

  • Single-bending, double-bending, flexural/moment increase

  • Axial load (circular, rectangular) enhancement

  • Torsion strengthening

  • Correction of an existing construction and/or design error

Slabs strengthening with CFRP

  • Positive movement enhancement

  • Negative movement enhancement

  • Diaphragm shear strengthening

  • Punching shear

  • Collectors/drag struts

  • Chords

  • Shear transfer between slab/roof panels

  • Supplement cut steel/openings

  • Correction of an existing construction and/or design error

Walls strengthening with CFRP

  • In-plane shear strengthening

  • In-plane flexural enhancement

  • Out-of-plane flexural enhancement

  • Shear transfer between wall panels

  • Supplement cut steel/openings

  • Correction of an existing construction and/or design error

Horse Construction Recommended Products

You can find anything here you are in need of, have a trust trying on these products, you will find the big difference after that.

HM-20 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Wrap

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber wrap pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) wrap used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

See more >

HM-30 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Fabric

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber fabric pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) fabric used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

See more >

HM-60 Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Sheet

High strength, unidirectional carbon fiber sheet pre-saturated to form a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheet used to strengthen structural concrete elements.

See more >
