Requirements of CFRP For Structural Strengthening

Requirements of CFRP For Structural Strengthening

CFRP For Structural Strengthening

As the demand for structural reinforcement continues to increase, and because CFRP has the characteristics of high strength, thin thickness, light weight, and corrosion resistance, CFRP is a new type of advanced reinforcement material in structural reinforcement. So what needs to be done in CFRP reinforcement construction?

1. Do a good job in site inspection and survey of CFRP reinforcement

Before the CFRP reinforcement construction, it is necessary to inspect and survey the CFRP reinforcement construction site. Only by fully understanding the problems of the CFRP reinforcement site can a more complete CFRP reinforcement design and construction plan be formulated.

2. Choose an authoritative reinforcement company

Different reinforcement companies can guarantee different reinforcement construction quality. Professional reinforcement companies not only have a professional reinforcement design team, but also a professional reinforcement construction team. Such a reinforcement company can ensure the quality of reinforcement construction, and the owner is also more worry-free.

3. Choose qualified CFRP adhesive

The quality of CFRP adhesive can directly affect the effect of CFRP reinforcement construction. If counterfeit adhesives are selected for CFRP reinforcement, the construction effect of CFRP reinforcement must not meet the requirements. Therefore, when CFRP reinforcement is used, an adhesive of qualified quality must be selected, and all indicators and performances can meet the standards and specifications of CFRP reinforcement.

4. Choose high-quality CFRP cloth

At present, the CFRP cloth on the market is mixed. In order to ensure the quality of CFRP reinforcement, you must choose high-quality CFRP cloth, choose well-known brands, and shop around when buying, so as to choose the most cost-effective CFRP cloth.

CFRP For Structural Strengthening

The following conditions must be met when attaching carbon fiber materials:

a. Carbon fiber materials should be cut according to regulations.

b. The temperature, air humidity, and surface moisture content of the components meet the requirements.

c. The primer and putty are dry to the touch (the resin surface is cured and hardened).

d. The type of bonding resin is suitable for the temperature during construction. The main agent, curing agent, and curing accelerator should be accurately weighed according to the specified ratio, put into the container, and stirred evenly with a mixer. The amount of one-time blending should be used up within the specified time.

Quality inspection standard for carbon fiber paste.

a. The carbon fiber bundles are well impregnated into the bottom and top coating.

b. The carbon fiber is tightly bonded.

c. For hollow drums with a diameter of more than 10mm and less than 30mm, less than 10 per square meter can be considered qualified; if there are more than 10 per square meter, it is considered unqualified and needs to be repaired. For hollow drums with a diameter of more than 30mm, as long as they appear, they are deemed unqualified and need to be repaired.

d. The lap length along the fiber direction is not less than 20cm, the laps between the layers must not be on the same straight line, and the layers must be staggered at least 50cm.

e. Carbon fiber material specifications, pasting position, length, width, fiber direction, and number of layers meet the requirements.

5. Ensure the quality of CFRP reinforcement construction

In addition to CFRP reinforcement materials, CFRP adhesives will affect the quality of CFRP reinforcement construction. The external environment and construction methods will also affect the construction quality of CFRP reinforcement. In order to ensure the quality of CFRP reinforcement construction, various factors must be considered comprehensively. Only in this way can the quality of CFRP reinforcement construction

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